Tango Therapy with Parkinson

Basically, tango therapy is a therapeutic technique that uses the Argentinean tango dance and the candombe, milonga, tango and criollo waltz music integrated with special exercises in order to help people feel happy and to connect with the most healthy aspects of their bodies, their lives. This is a session developed for people with Parkinson’s disease. Sessions start with simple and gentle breathing exercises. Walking, the base of Tango will be the next step. And, slowly, we introduce the embrace and you will start to enjoy the Tango dance. Tango improves balance. Using the traditional tango, female dancers move backwards encouraging themto relearn how to move. Tango boosts confidence makes you happier improves walking, posture, balance and confidence.

Tango Therapy UK: http://www.tangotherapy.co.uk
International Association of Tango Therapy: http://www.tangoterapia.org/
Parkinson’s Disease Society: http://www.parkinsons.org.uk
